Vision and Ethos

The strategic values and objectives

Education at Kasumba and Primary School is about self confidence, challenge and enjoyment. It teaches the importance of constructive questioning and a sense of responsibility with compassion, confidence and creativity.

Our values at Kasumba Nursery and Primary School

  1. God loving: This value means that the school encourages students and staff to show love for God in their actions and words. For example, the school may offer religious education classes or hold regular prayer sessions.
  2. Excellence: This value means that the school strives to provide high-quality education and expectations for students and staff. For example, the school may have high academic standards and provide support for students to help them achieve their best.
  3. Team spirit: This value means that the school promotes a sense of community and cooperation among students and staff. For example, the school may offer opportunities for students to work on group projects or participate in team sports.
  4. Integrity: This value means that the school encourages honesty and ethical behavior among students and staff. For example, the school may have a code of conduct that outlines expectations for behavior and consequences for violation of those expectations.
  5. Professionalism: This value means that the school expects students and staff to conduct themselves in a professional manner. For example, the school may have dress codes or guidelines for how to interact with others in a respectful and courteous way.


Strategic Objectives

Develop and implement a plan for ongoing professional development for teachers and staff to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to support student success.

kasumba nursery and Primary School


Lord source of all gifts creator of mankind I thank you for the gift of life Send me the holy spirit to guide Control, protect and direct me In my life. Help me to be a good child, Respect myself and everyone Around me. Bless my parents, sisters, brothers, Teachers and everyone in Kasumba Nursery and primary school With God we excel. Amen

Our Vision


Our Ethos

At Kasumba Nursery and Primary School, we believe that every child is unique and has the potential to excel. We strive to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all students are valued and respected

Expectation from parents


Supporting their child’s education by encouraging them to complete homework and attend school regularly


Communicating with teachers and staff regularly to stay informed about their child’s progress and address any concerns.


Supporting the school’s values and expectations for behavior by reinforcing them at home


Volunteering at the school or attending school events, such as parent-teacher conferences or open houses.


Supporting the school’s policies and decisions, even if they do not always align with their personal preferences.

Help us improve

Your valuable suggestions and feedback will help us improve our vision, approach and ethos.
Please contact us using any of the social mediums listed below.


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