Head of School
Welcome to Kasumba Nursery and Primary school
It is my pleasure to welcome you to kasumba nursery and primary School. It is a great privilege to be the Head teacher of such a thriving school community where high aspirations and a caring family ethos are at the heart of what we do.
Kasumba nursery and primary school uses innovative methods to make it easier for pupils to understand complex subjects.
In the past, teaching was done by using traditional methods that were inefficient in helping pupils gain an understanding of the subject matter. The use of a book or an extensive amount of time spent reading was often required with these traditional methods. However, Kasumba nursery and primary school has changed this by making use of innovative methods that are more effective at promoting learning.
The use of technology is one such method that has been adopted by the school. The school has made use of computers in order to provide support for learning which has resulted in many benefits including: improved academic performance; better communication between teachers and students; reduced stress levels among parents due to less time spent running around looking for their children who have left the classroom without permission; increased access to educational resources such as books and videos which can be used when studying outside class hours etcetera

Learning by involvement
Our school teachers use a variety of different approaches to help students understand difficult concepts.
The school’s teachers use a variety of different approaches to help students understand difficult concepts. For example, they use storybooks as a way to teach children about math, or they will have the students play games like Connect 4 in order to learn about patterns and shapes.
This approach allows students to practice what they are learning in class on their own time. The teacher then explains what the child did wrong or how they could do better the next time around so that they get better at understanding the material on their own.
This method helps children develop their problem solving skills by giving them more opportunities to practice them outside of class time, which means that they’ll be able to apply these skills when they need them later on down the road.

Teaching is a team work
At Kasumba nursery and primary school we emphasize the importance of team work when it comes to teaching and mentoring our pupils
At Kasumba nursery and primary school we emphasize team work. We believe that teachers and mentors should work together to make sure that all pupils feel safe, valued, and supported. This means that we build strong relationships with each other and with the children we teach.
We want to create a safe place where they can learn and be themselves. In this way they will feel comfortable and ready for their new experiences in life.
We want them to learn how to work together with others as well as how to express themselves.We believe that this is the best way to help them grow, develop and become more confident.
Our school's curriculum is the best because it is designed to meet the needs of all students, is based on the latest research and best practices, and is flexible and customizable. If you're looking for a school that will give you the best education possible, look no further than Kasumba Nursery and Primary school.
Our school’s educational curriculum is good and is updated regularly. This ensures that our students are receiving an education that is relevant and up-to-date. Our curriculum is designed to challenge students and help them grow as learners. This ensures that our students are receiving the best education possible and are prepared for the challenges of the modern world

Head of School

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