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2023 Back-to-School Prep: How to Get Your Child Ready for the First Day

Start preparing your child for their first day of school as the holidays draw to a close and the new school year approaches. It can be challenging to get back into a pattern and get used to a new school, but with some advance planning and preparation, the transfer can go as smoothly as possible. We’ll give some advice for preparing your child for the start of school in this blog article.

Create a schedule

Start establishing a sleep and wake-up time a few weeks before the start of the school year that is roughly equivalent to what it will be during the academic year. Your child’s adaptation to the new schedule and the start of the school year will be facilitated by doing this.

Get organized

Assist your child with preparing their backpack and first-day items. Ensure that everything is labeled with their name and that they have all they require. By doing this, there won’t be any frantic last-minute rushing on the first day of school.

Practice the route

Get acquainted with the route: If your child is starting a new school, spend some time getting acquainted with the route. On the first day, this will make them feel more at ease and self-assured.

Talk about their feelings

Express their emotions: For some children, starting a new school can be nerve-wracking. Spend some time talking to your youngster about their feelings and providing reassurance as they struggle with worry.

Get involved

Participate in your child’s school by volunteering and attending parent-teacher conferences. This will make it easier for you to stay up to date on events at the school and demonstrate to your child how much you value their education.

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Review important concepts

Go over key ideas: Before the school year begins, go over key ideas and skills that your child will learn in the coming year. They will be able to refresh their memories and feel more at ease in class as a result.

Encourage independent thinking

Promote autonomous thought: Help your youngster think critically, pose questions, and develop their own opinions. They will be able to improve critical thinking abilities, which are crucial for academic achievement.

Get a restful night’s sleep

Ensure that your child gets enough shut-eye at night. Lack of sleep can have an impact on one’s disposition, level of energy, and concentration in the classroom.

Encourage physical activity

Encourage your kids to play sports or go for walks as a way to get them moving. Their physical and mental health can be improved via regular exercise, which will better prepare them for the demands of the school day.

Kasumba Nursery and Primary School

Encourage reading in kids

Encourage reading in kids: Make reading fun for your kids. They will benefit from having strong reading comprehension in all academic areas. Additionally, reading will help children develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills.


In conclusion, while the first day of school can be intimidating for both kids and parents, it can be far less stressful with a little bit of advance planning. Do not forget to plan yourself, make a schedule, rehearse your route, discuss your feelings, and become involved in your child’s school. One of the greatest options for your child’s education in 2023 is Kasumba Nursery and Primary School because it is dedicated to offering a secure and engaging environment for learners to develop. We wish you and your child a successful start to the new school year with these suggestions.

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